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Nowadays you have to be on pretty much every platform to be relevant and over time we will work to bring them all together here in one place

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From the Blog
A more responsive and proactive disability support system led by Disabled People and Whānau
The NEGL Leadership group acknowledges the decades of commitment and contribution from the disability community in Aotearoa, says Farrar. “We look forward to furthering this work and continuing to collaborate with the disability community.”
National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group Media Release RE: Simpson Report 18 June 2020
Disability is not a health issue, says the National Leadership group that guides the development of Enabling Good Lives. Disability is about people who have impairments being excluded from their citizen rights by not being taken into account when buildings are built, when transport systems are designed and when communication systems are put in place.…
A Conversation with Peter Singer
What does Peter actually believe? Is deplatforming ever ok? Find out March 24 4:00pm (NZST)
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Email: hello@jadefarrar.com
Address: PO Box 106 428
Auckland City 1010
Skype: jade.farrar